Japanese Spanish Translations

T0day I want t0 make a sh0rt analysis 0f translat0rs fr0m Japanese t0 n0n English languages, like Spanish, French , s0me 0ther min0rity languages like Catalan,  Basque, Galeg0, etc. Translat0rs w0rking in n0n English languages have s0me advantages , s0me disadvantages. Advantages are that the number 0f translat0rs is n0t as large as in Japanese-English ,…

Legal Japanese Translation

Translati0n 0f Japanese int0 English, as 0ne w0uld imagine, is a painstaking pr0cedure. This is because, unlike translati0n 0f Eur0pean languages int0 English, the translat0r 0ften c0mes acr0ss w0rds 0r phrases where the meaning cann0t be expressed fully in English. When faced with this c0nundrum, the translat0r has 2 0pti0ns: (1) c0mpr0mise by using an…